موقع دفعة 83 كلية الاقتصاد - والدراسات الاجتماعيه - جامعة الخرطوم
عزيزى الزائر ....
اذا كنت من خريجى كلية الاقتصاد والدراسات الاجتماعيه دفعة 83/84 فلقد وصلت الى دارك وزملائك قدماء المحاربين فتفضل وقم بالتسجيل اولا وتمتع بالموضوعت التى فى الموقع وساهم معنا فورا بما لديك من اخبار وصور وتعليقات واذا كنت زائر عادى فاهلا وسهلا بك صديق وضيف على هذه المجموعه
موقع دفعة 83 كلية الاقتصاد - والدراسات الاجتماعيه - جامعة الخرطوم
عزيزى الزائر ....
اذا كنت من خريجى كلية الاقتصاد والدراسات الاجتماعيه دفعة 83/84 فلقد وصلت الى دارك وزملائك قدماء المحاربين فتفضل وقم بالتسجيل اولا وتمتع بالموضوعت التى فى الموقع وساهم معنا فورا بما لديك من اخبار وصور وتعليقات واذا كنت زائر عادى فاهلا وسهلا بك صديق وضيف على هذه المجموعه
موقع دفعة 83 كلية الاقتصاد - والدراسات الاجتماعيه - جامعة الخرطوم
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

موقع دفعة 83 كلية الاقتصاد - والدراسات الاجتماعيه - جامعة الخرطوم

هذا منتدى جديد يجمع شمل دفعة 83 وعوائلهم كلية الاقتصاد جامعة الخرطوم فى شتى بقاع الارض
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
سيتم اليوم باذن الله اجتماع اللجنة التنفيذية للربطة بنادى الاسكلا بالخرطوم فى تمام السعة السابعة مساء 8/7/2011
نسال الله ان يمن على زميلنا يس سعد الطريفى بالصحة والعافية بعد ان اجرى عميلة بتر لساقه بالخارج بعد معاناة طويلة مع مرض السكرى


 رسالة كاوتست باللغة الانجليزيه يامحمد احمد سعيد

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/07/2010
العمر : 64
عدد الابناء : 5 ابناء

رسالة كاوتست باللغة الانجليزيه يامحمد احمد سعيد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رسالة كاوتست باللغة الانجليزيه يامحمد احمد سعيد   رسالة كاوتست باللغة الانجليزيه يامحمد احمد سعيد Emptyالخميس أكتوبر 28, 2010 5:17 pm

To: amna.hassan@cbos.gov.sd; mahasin mhamed ; Magda Eltaib ; Adil Gasim ; ahmed elamin ; abdalla Dawi ; sudan philly ; Adeeba Abdlgadir ; Adil Ali eltaib ; Adil gasim ; Ahmed Elmahi ; Ali salim ; Mimi Mhtt ; Elrashid 313 ; elrashid hassan ; Galib ; Galib Karar ; hasan ahmed ali ; Husab 1961 ; isabiel is ; elsay 2003 ; mahir dawood ; m dawood ; mohamed abdalla ; abusiif s ; Mohammed Ali Abdalla ; mohd@saudinetworkers.com; Nasrdeen sudan ; yahya bigdash ; prince arabab ; elbagir malik ; ول ولى ; esam Ismail
Sent: Sat, October 23, 2010 9:37:40 PM
Subject: Salam

Ya Dufaa,

My sincere apologies for the long time that lapsed before this email, and I promise to do better in the future. Our country is in real trouble, and there is a lot that most of us, inside as well as outside Sudan don't know in terms of the policies and plans to define the future and fate of our country. This email should have reached you a long time ago but it is better "late than never" as the Americans say. For the longest time I chose my part in this struggle, and that is to try to let the world know of our conundrum and the crises that we are going through. It wasn't an easy choice, but it is certainly much easier than the choice some of you made to stay-in and fight to the end. A lot of you who are in the middle of the inferno, know how hard it is to work in side, as well as "educating" the world at large, and on top of that make a living in Sudan.

One other factor that is hard to overcome is fighting the temptation to compromise your principles when you are inside and you see some of your colleagues become ministers or directors of essential departments or companies while you are struggling to make ends meet. It is true that some of us gained this because they are ideologues, hence they were rewarded because of their loyalty to the regime, and others who became part of the higher echelons because of the peace agreements. The fact remains that there is a third category who made it because they chose to sell their souls to the devil and become part of the clique. Yet, it is easy for me to say this because I'm from outside looking in, without knowing the circumstances that led those who chose to acquiesce, to go along on that path. But there is one thing I know, it is very hard, for most of us, to stand alone, when all around you are giving in.

Since the issue of Darfur came to be understood, I shifted my focus from working "part-time" on the issues of democratization in Sudan and opposition to the NIF regime, to a full court-press (in the basketball jargon) on human rights, more specifically, on policies that will rid the world of genocide, mass atrocities, and war crimes. It was more than satisfying, and a source of a lot of pride for all of us when Osman Hummaida and I were invited to brief the US Congress on the situation in Sudan. We were in New York for the UN General Assembly, both working from different angles: he representing his organization to rally support for the ICC and accountability, myself was there to meet with President Obama and his policy team ( the third such meeting since he became President) right after he finished his meetings with the NCP/SPLM delegations on September 24th. Osman and I did not know that we were both invited to brief the US Congress until I saw the invitation and told him the night before the event, over dinner. I hope to get some pictures of that briefing to send to you. What are the odds of having two colleagues doing that together from around very few people in this world who testify before the US Congress?? I leave that to our statisticians ( Kamal Ibrahim al-Sayyid and the gang) to ponder.

I chose for you two recent works that I produced in collaboration with two other colleagues: Neglecting Darfur and Why George Clooney is in south Sudan??. The first was a long report that I started working on since I came back to the US after a long seven weeks in Doha while participating the the Dafur Peace Process. In collaboration with Laura Jones, I tried to put Darfur back on the radar screens of the world after a lot of neglect. In the second piece with another Laura, Heaton, I tried to draw the attention of the world to the creation of TWO, not just ONE State in place of the Sudan, if the south chose to secede, The world is getting ready to receive "one" new State in Africa, and I'm trying my level best to draw their attention to the "new north" that is a "left-over" State and to see the dynamics of change within it. The editors of the Global Post however, saw Clooney as the hot commodity that will lure more readers, so they had him on top, so, no loosers, we both got from the article, what is important for us.

Salah Shoayb, a brilliant journalist from Darfur who contributes to several publications in Sudan just finished translating the Executive Summery of the "Neglecting Darfur" report and is hoping to publish it as part (1) of a long series of articles that will complete the translation of the report. He is contemplating sending it to several papers that are published inside Sudan as well as on Sudanese on line and other cyber venues, so look for the Arabic version of the report.

Finally, my sisters and brothers, what we need to do is to keep the communication channels open, and the debate should continue on the issues pertaining to the future of the country, as well as the wellness of all of us. Please feel free to forward this email to the rest of the group that I wasn't able to reach, and let us light a candle........


Omer Cowtist

رجمة الجزء الخاص بك ياكمال هو (بجانب ذلك هناك قلة قليلة من الناس في هذا العالم الذين يدلون بشهاداتهم أمام "الكونغرس الأميركي"؟ واترك تقدير ذلك لاحصائيينا (إكمال السيد وبقية الشله) للتفكير

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
رسالة كاوتست باللغة الانجليزيه يامحمد احمد سعيد
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موقع دفعة 83 كلية الاقتصاد - والدراسات الاجتماعيه - جامعة الخرطوم :: الصلات الطيبه بين افراد الدفعه-
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